Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Crazy Quilt International Christmas Exchange

Besides beading and photography, one of my other passions is Crazy Quilting...I haven't done a lot in the last few years, but I rejoined Crazy Quilt International earlier this year, in the hope it would inspire me to get going on it again. The tie-in with beading is huge, and many of the other members are beaders and sane quilters as well as CQ'ers. 
Here is their blog for a bit of inspiration, and some illustration of what we do. 

They do quite a lot of very organized group projects and exchanges, and I was fortunate to be involved in the latest...a Christmas exchange of a baggie or cracker filled with CQ goodies. They're very organized with this, and there was a defined list of what was suitable to include; members were polled for their likes and dislikes as well, all of which helped greatly. 

I was fortunate to be paired up with Donna Abrams, who lives in Montana. Here is what I sent Donna:

Donna's preferences were for autumn-y shades, laces, unique charms and plain fabrics. 

Donna, in return, spoiled me rotten! 

I had asked for goodies in my fave colours of teal, green and purple. Here's what she sent!

I didn't notice until after I had created and saved this collage, that it cut off the totally cute little necklace she made and sent me....so here's its picture again, because it's adorable!

She also made me the prettiest needlebook, in felted wool, with a beautiful flower-headed pin inside...and a gorgeous pair of needlework scissors with curved blades to get reeeeeeal close to those threads!

Thank you so much again, Donna...what riches!! I will enjoy using them in projects I hope to get started in the New Year. 

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