Saturday, August 3, 2013

Week 31~Hues of Blue

Another lovely week gone by! I feel as though the summer is slipping through my fingers, soon to be replaced by golden trees and that autumn crisp in the air. Please, not so fast!!

We have someone away on vacation this week in my department at work, and I am replacing her, so it's been a very busy week.

Sally's prompt for this week of Focus on Life is:

"This week take time to focus on the beautiful hues of blue....." of my favourite colours in certain shades, one I use a LOT in my jewelry, but I wasn't seeing a lot of blue out there this week. Even the lake isn't really blue, as it reflects the green along the shoreline; and I didn't see a single, solitary blue flower in my travels. Not one. So....I did a few quick pics from my visit to the bead shop this week, and had a little fun playing....

The blue wall at my LBS!

The only other blue thing I saw this week was THIS sad face as her monthly bath took place! 

Let's see what the others came up with HERE


  1. THe blue wall looks like Indian corn? Poor puppy at least shes sitting still and not shaking her wet soapy fur all over you!

  2. Oh Lynne's right, some of that really looks like Indian corn! Poor sad puppy- he really is blue about that bath.

  3. poor baby!! what a face...
    great photos :)
    have a great week!!

  4. A wall of beads and with hues of that's just perfect. And your pup, why do dogs dislike bathing?

  5. Oh blue beads = heaven!! Love that shot,...and you're right, you can see the 'blue' written all over her face as she takes her bath - LOL! Poor thing! :-)

  6. That blue wall of beads looks like fun to me. Most of our dogs have hated baths but we had one that would bail right into the tub with you if the bathroom door was not shut securely.

  7. Never even considered that particular definition of blue...very clever!

  8. What a sweet blue puppy!Is she happy once it is over? Our dogs used to run around like crazy after their baths... probably to re-establish their scent but they sure looked happy to me!

  9. Mine hates a bath too. But does the run through the house and roll on her bed. She would roll on ours too if we let her.....And your wall of clever...and to see them as indian corn is cool! Thanks for the post.

  10. Lovely photos - at least she looks like she sits still and puts up with it - my old spaniel used to jump out of the bath at every possible opportunity - you really had to have your wits about you! You've brought back some happy memories - thank you!

  11. Great photos! I am really enjoying seeing all the different blue photos out there, and a wall of blue beads? A wonderful sight to see! Your poor pup - she really is adorable, even when she looks blue. :-)


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