Here is Sally's prompt for this week...
"This week we are focusing on what is growing and changing about you or the environment around you"
Here in Upper Canada, we are all about Back to Class at the moment, even if you don't have someone who is GOING back to class...and it is hard to believe summer is officially (if not actually) over and we are soon to be in Fall mode.
I took another trip to my favorite park this weekend, and I think of all the pictures I took, this one says where my mind is these days:
It speaks to me of endings...but with possibilities to come.
Oddly enough, as I was driving home from the park, I noticed something on the main street next to my little neighbourhood, which I've never noticed before....I can't believe I haven't seen this!
Look at what's growing here, right across the street!
There are fields and fields and fields of sunflowers...I assume they're being grown to harvest the oil...but Sally, you opened my eyes!
See what is growing and changing around our other participants at their blogs here: