...a very busy week....this "part time" job I work has now become 37 hours...hmmm....how did THAT happen?
I thought I would post a few more of the photos from the Fibre Art Show in Etobicoke last week; many of them are just spectacular pieces:
Here are the full picture and the detail of a traditional embroidered quilt which is just beautifully done. The quilting also enhances the quilt very nicely.
Here's a gorgeous handwoven piece; extremely intricate!
AND, one of the most amazing thread work pieces I've ever seen, in its detail and full pic:
Can you see the lady?
On Friday night, April 8th I attended the VIP reception for the celebration of
That Bead Lady's inception as a Swarovski store. As per the Swarovski VP in attendance that evening, there are only 38 of these stores in the world, so it was indeed an honor to be accepted in that category! What an enjoyable evening! We were treated to wine, an enormous buffet of treats, a discount on our purchases that evening, demos, and the most amazing treat bag from That Bead Lady and Swarovski. I'll post a photo of my Wedding Bead from the kit enclosed, as soon as I get it done. A few pictures from that night:
Cathy Lampole, the store owner, receiving the certificate from Swarovski
A glimpse of the action at the Swarovski wall! There was a huuuuuge lineup to peruse the beads:
Cutting the cake:
Had a great time! Thanks, Cathy, for the invitation!
I'm also working on a photography challenge this month; the challenge being to take photographs depicting a number of themes, defined by the folks running the challenge e.g. animals, in fashion, lazy, rain or water etc. etc.
I've been having fun looking at things in a new way, and of course I ALWAYS have my camera with me!
This one does not fit the themes particularly, but I just liked the way the fading evening light lit this "urban silhouette".
I really must get something accomplished today.......