Sunday, June 21, 2015

Done! Almost.....

I thought I would add a picture of my (almost) done bead embroidered bracelet from the ATTS7 challenge, and get some feedback from all my wonderful beader friends...

I have declared the bracelet "DONE!" at this point. 

Here is a picture of Sherry's original from the magazine....

As you can see, after the brick stitch border, she added picots using 11's and drop beads. I actually have the drop beads I intended to use for this....but you know what, I decided it's just too OTT for my taste. I vastly prefer the neater and simpler plain brick stitch edge, so I am leaving mine that way.
I feel hers takes away a bit from the focal.  

Another conundrum I'd love your opinion you can see, the ends of my bracelet are scalloped (I'm guessing she filled hers in with embroidery to square them off, none of which is discussed in the pattern), and I like mine scalloped...but it does present a bit of a problem attaching a closure. 
I don't want to add to much extra length, as the bracelet is about the right length already (with about 1/2-3/4" for closing). Sherry's bracelet uses a slide clasp...any other ideas?


  1. Hi Lori,
    I loved it before it was finished and love it even more now that it is finished. I agree you do not need the drops around yours. I also like that your edges are scalloped. My suggestion for a closure is two small buttons at the corners. If you use shank buttons you will not have to add length with beads and you will have room for the loop closures to go around the button. Christine and I have the sign ups out for ATTS 8 the theme is What is your bag? You get five whole months to work on your project this time around.

  2. I would suggested a small gold button and beaded loop clasp - right on the longest part of the bracelet - the edges of the middle circle. Love this piece it gorgeous!


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